Financial Planning: How to construct a Workable Financial Plan

Financial Planning: How to construct a Workable Financial Plan

    • Categories CPE


    Title : Financial Planning: How to construct a Workable Financial Plan

    Course Fees : Sold Out

    Date : 11 May 2024

    Time: 8.45am – 12.00pm (Part 1) ; 2.00pm – 5.30pm (Part 2)

    Venue: Zoom

    CPE : 10 Points

    CPD : 8 Points


    Course Details

    Learning Outcome

    Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

    “OBJECTIVELY” understand a client’s NEEDS and WANTS

    1. Identify a Financial Planner’s and client’s common biases.
    2. Use interview skills to extract in depth information from clients.
    3. Apply coaching skills to guide clients to meet their life objectives.
    4. Determine the critical attributes of a workable financial plan.

    Time: 8.45am – 9.00am

    Details: Log in to the Zoom Platform / Pre-Assessment

    Part 1


    This is to test the understanding of the participants before the class

    Explain how to objectively construct a financial plan

    # Financial Planner should have objective mindset

    # Explanation on Objective

    Objectivity vs Subjectivity

    Objectivity : Integrity + Accountability + Independence

    Establish client’s Objectives for Financial Plan

    I) Differentiate between client’s NEEDS and WANTS

    Identify Financial NEED and WANTS for a person in their life planning

    II) Discover client’s hidden NEEDS and WANTS

    III) Illustrate how to use Begin with end in mind concept to differentiate the NEED and WANT

    IV) How to prioritizes life objective

    V) Effective analysis of client’s Risk Assessment results

    Demonstrate the questioning skill to obtain above information

    How to read and analyze client’s Cash Flow and Net worth statement

    I) Critical information in a person Cash Flow and Net worth Statement

    II) Identifying the different issues and problems faced by different demographic groups. Eg. Employees, Self Employed and Business owners

    III) How to use Financial Ratios to determine financial health status

    End of Part 1

    Time: 1.45pm – 2.00pm

    Details: Log in to the Zoom Platform

    Part 2

    Identify financial planners’ and clients’ common biases

    I) Discuss financial planners’ common biases

    II) Discuss clients’ common biases

    III) How to be aware of the common biases

    How to develop a Workable and Acceptable plan for client

    I) Establish realistic and mutually agreed upon financial objectives

    II) Convert Objectives to Qualitative and Quantitative plan

    III) Basic SMART and OKR management skill for financial plan development

    # Introduction of SMART and demonstrate with a simple example

    # Introduction of OKR and demonstrate with simple example

    How to apply different solutions in different situations

    Eg. Return/time horizon/retirement income/living expectation/swap asset class and etc.

    Case study: Financial Plan Construction

    Participants will be given a case study “Tony’s Case” (High income and bread winner with mentally challenge adult child)

    Participants are then required to construct a financial plan using CFP’s 6 steps Financial Planning process and propose solutions for the case.

    Case study summary and conclusion     


    This is to test the understanding of the participants after the class

    End of Class

    Profile of Chu Chee Khiang, Founder and CEO (CFPCERT TM, IFP)

    Mr Nicholas Chu is the Founder and Managing Director of Max Wealth Education Sdn Bhd which is a company providing financial education for the CFPCERT TM certification program and public financial literacy course.

    He also a CFPCERT TM and IFP Certified member. In the year 2013, he was a Speaker in AKPK while in 2016, he was invited to speak in SIDC SMART INVEST as well.

    In 2018, EPF engage Nicholas as “External Financial Planner” for the project of “Microsite” which caters to financial advisory work for nationwide RAS Officer.

    As a founder of Max Wealth Education Sdn Bhd (CFPCERT TM Education Provider), under Nicholas's leadership, Max Wealth Education now is one of the biggest CFPCERT TM education providers in Malaysia serves more than 800 students.

    He has written a total of 6 financial planning books with titles such as “Learning Financial Planning – The Fundamental”, ”Retirement Chips”, “Big Life Financial Management”, “SME Business Financial Planning” and “How to train your kid Financial literacy” and “Matrixology of Money”. He also emerged as one of the top 10 best seller book authors in Popular!

    2015-2021 he serves as a dedicated Board Member of FPAM (Financial Planning Association of Malaysia)

    In 2020 he also as organizing Chairman of “FPAM Financial Literacy Year”.

    With his vast experience in financial planning, Nicholas was appointed as a columnist in the financial section of Nan Yang Siang Pau, China Press and SinChew Jit Poh newspapers, Money Compass, Feminine and Branding & Franchise.

    Meantime, he is also a frequent guest speaker at local Radio stations such as AiFM, OneFM and he also appears in TV STATION such as NTV 7, Bernama TV, 8TV, and Astro.

    1. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis, limited seats available.

    2. Participants need to sit in for both sessions in order to accumulate the points.

    3. Confirmation is subject to payment before the workshop.

    4. The program, speaker, date, etc is subject to change without prior notice.

    1. How long will each digital programme take?

    Each digital programme is the equivalent of a day’s training for approximately 8 hours. With the lunch break in between, the digital programme will usually take place for 6 hours.

    2. Can I attend only half sessions of the training?

    Yes, you may. However, you will not be granted full points from respective parties.

    3. Which forms of payment can I use?

    We accept payment by Online Bank Transfer.

    4. Who should I contact if there is any transactional issue or problem purchasing any product / service?

    Kindly contact our customer careline @ 013-3438829 or email to for further assistance.

    Enrolment validity: Lifetime